Dynamics of anthocyanin and chlorophyll content in red fruited okra var. Kashi Lalima
Red okra, anthocyanin, chlorophyll, fruit growth, nutritional qualityAbstract
An experiment was conducted with the objectives to study the dynamics of anthocyanin and chlorophyll content at various stages of fruit growth and development in the red fruited okra variety Kashi Lalima and also to evaluate nutritional quality at harvestable maturity stage. Anthocyanin and total chlorophyll content of the fruits of Kashi Lalima studied with the help of spectrophotometer at various stage of fruit growth i.e., starting from zero days after anthesis (0 DAA) to 35 DAA. It has been observed that chlorophyll is the only pigment detected in the mature ovary at the time of anthesis, while no anthocyanin is detected at 0 DAA. Traces of anthocyanin detected only at 2 DAA and the content in gradually increased up to 8 DAA (3.90 mg/100g FW) i.e., during harvestable stage for fresh vegetable. At this point of time fruits are scarlet red in colour. Fading of coloration start at 10 DAA and significant discoloration observed at 35 DAA (1.99 mg/100g FW). On the other hand significant amount of chlorophyll was also reported from 0 DAA to 35 DAA.This study provides the insight of the red coloration of the fruit of Kashi Lalima, pattern of anthocyanin pigmentation and identification of the appropriate stage of harvesting for better nutritional quality.

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