Effect of foliar application of GA3 on growth, fruit yield and seed quality parameters in okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench].
Growth regulators, GA3, seed quality, seed vigour, okraAbstract
The present investigation entitled “Effect of foliar
application of GA3 on flowering, fruiting, yield and seed
quality parameters in okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.)
Moench]” was carried during Kharif season of 2018-19. The
field experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block
Design factorial with one additional treatment replicated
three times while laboratory experiment was conducted in
Completely Randomized Design factorial done with one
additional treatment having four replications. Various
concentrations of growth regulator GA3 i.e. 25, 50, 100 and
150 ppm were applied as foliar spray after 30, 45 and 60 days
of germination on okra plants and observations were
recorded on days taken to 50% flowering, days taken to
fruit maturity, number of fruits per plant, fruit length (cm),
fruit yield (g/plant and q/ha), number of seeds per pod, 100
seed weight (g), seed yield (kg/plot and q/ha), germination
percent, speed of germination, seedling length (cm), seedling
dry weight (mg), seed vigour index-I and seed vigour index-
II. Recorded data revealed that foliar spray of GA3 150 ppm
at 45 days after germination gave significantly superior
results for obtaining maximum fruit yield and component
traits of okra whereas, the treatment of GA3 150 ppm at 60
days after germination was significantly superior for seed
yield and component traits which can be adopted for
commercial cultivation of okra as well as its seed production

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