Effect of organic, inorganic and biofertilizers on yield, storage quality and soil nutrient status of onion (Allium cepa L.) under vertisols of western Maharashtra
Onion, organic, inorganic, biofertilizer, soil fertility, INM.Abstract
A treatment receiving 100:40:60:40 kg NPKS + 7.5 t FYM + 2.5 t poultry manure + 2.5 t vermicopost + biofertilizer (5 kg each of Azospirillum + phosphobacteria) hectare-1 recorded the highest bulb yield of 54.21 t ha-1 as compared to absolute control (25.76 t ha-1) and recommended dose of fertilizers (35.28 t ha-1). It is indicated that the use of biofertilizers in combination with inorganic fertilizers and organic manures offers a great opportunity to increase the production of onion. The maximum increase in total bulb yield was recorded in integrated nutrient management treatment over control. The soil nutrient status was also influenced by various treatments comprising of organic, inorganic and biofertilizers in onion under investigation. The total storage losses were also increased as nutrients levels increases and it was lowest in absolute control. The total nutrient uptake of N, P, K, S, Zn and B was influenced by various treatments of integrated nutrient management system. The nutrient from all sources influence the yield and yield contributing characters and soil fertility in onion under vertisols of western Maharashtra.

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