Correlation and diversity analysis for economic traits in spine gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb.)
Correlation analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, spine gourd.Abstract
The present investigation was conducted with 33 genotypes
of spine gourd for estimation of genetic parameters,
correlation, principal component analysis and cluster
analysis. Fruit yield per plant was observed to be positively
associated with 43 significant positive correlations between
yield and number of first flowering node, ovary length, single
fruit weight and number of fruit per plant. Genetic diversity
among spine gourd genotypes was executed through
principal component analysis first seven principal
component axes accounted for 76.4% variation towards the
divergence. Among four clusters cluster III had highest
number of genotypes (12) on the other hand cluster I (11)
genotypes cluster II (8) and cluster IV contain only two
genotypes In PCA and cluster analysis the genotypes
grouped into four different clusters based on principal
component scores. At present no concrete research work
has been done in spine gourd with special emphasis on
multivariate analysis through better performing genotypes
so as to included in further breeding program. Spine gourd
being highly cross pollinated crop, macro propagation
through cuttings or micro propagation is found to be
beneficial for the commercial exploitation of the horticultural
superior genotypes.

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