Stabilty analysis for fruit yield and its component traits in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.)
Bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.] commonly known as Lauki or Ghiya in India is one of the most important member of the family Cucurbitaceae and believed to be originated in Africa (Whitaker, 1971). It is commercially grown in all the states of India in both rainy and summer seasons. The immature fruits contain good amount of vitamins and have good medicinal values. Though bottle gourd hybrids are high yielder, the influence of G x E interaction is more on their performance. A specific difference in environment may have a great effect on some genotypes than others. Development of a bottle gourd hybrid with stable fruit yield under various environmental conditions will be highly useful to farming community to get consistent yield. Therefore, it is of prime importance to isolate genotypes manifesting low genotype x environment interaction in respect of important characters. So in present investigation, 50 bottle gourd hybrids were evaluated under three environments.

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