A new strain of Papaya ring spot virus infecting ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L.) in India
Cucurbits virus; Potyvirus; RT-PCR; Vegetable virus; Papaya ring spot virusAbstract
Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L.) plants showing virus like
symptoms such as mosaic mottling and thickening of leaf
lamina were collected from Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu. Through
Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, infection
of potyvirus was confirmed with the yield of desired
amplicon (~1.0 kb) using universal primer pair. Sequence
analysis of amplified product showed the infection of Papaya
ring spot virus (PRSV). Further association of PRSV was
confirmed with PRSV specific primer pair (GK PRSV F/R).
The nucleotide sequence analysis showed identity of coat
protein region shared only 84% with PRSV isolate from
Thailand in BLAST analysis. In phylogenetic analysis, PRSV
infecting ivy gourd formed a separate cluster from other
PRSV isolates. This confirms the association of distinct strain
of PRSV on Ivy gourd in India.

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