Character associations and path analysis for horticultural traits and fruitfly infestation in oriental pickling melon (Cucumis melo var. conomon Mak.)
Character associations, path analysis, fruit fly infestation, yield, oriental picking melonAbstract
An experiment was carried out to study character
associations and path analysis in 53 accessions of oriental
pickling melon at the Department of Vegetable Science,
College of Horticulture, Kerala Agriculture University,
Thrissur during March to May 2016 in Randomized Complete
Block Design (RBD) with two replications. Observations
were recorded on 20 quantitative characters to assess the
extent of character associations. Fruit yield per plant showed
significant direct positive correlations to number of branches
per plant (0.84), number of fruits per plant (0.81), seed cavity
length (0.63), fruit length (0.57) and seed cavity breadth
(0.33). Fruit fly infestation showed significant direct positive
correlations to fruit weight (1.06), days taken for fruit maturity
(0.99) and fruit girth (0.85). Significant direct negative
correlations to fruit fly infestation were exhibited by fruit
rind thickness and flesh thickness (-0.98) respectively.

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