Correlation and path analysis studies in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
Brinjal, Correlation coefficient, Path analysis, Yield related charactersAbstract
Correlation studies were carried out in brinjal to find out the association between yield and its contributing characters. Certain characters might indirectly influence yield, but their correlation with yield may not be statistically significant. In such cases, path coefficient analysis is an efficient technique, which permits the separation of coefficients into components of direct and indirect effects. Hence the study was carried out to know interrelations of twelve characters and to understand the nature of direct and indirect effects of these characters on yield. Correlation and path analysis 24 genotypes of brinjal indicated that Marketable fruit
yield per plant manifested significant and positive correlation with number of marketable fruits per plant, fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, plant height and number of branches per plant, whereas it had significant and negative association with days to 50 per cent flowering and days to first picking at both phenotypic and genotypic levels. Path analysis indicated that number of marketable fruits per plant, fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length and number of branches per plant had the maximum positive direct effect
on marketable fruit yield per plant at both phenotypic and genotypic level. Hence, these characters may be given consideration while making selection for the improvement of brinjal.
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