Correlation and path analysis study for yield and its contributing traits in different horticultural groups of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.)
Correlation, Path analysis, Yield, TSS, Cucumis melo L.Abstract
The present investigation was carried out to estimate the extent of character association between fruit yield and 23 yield contributing and other traits of economic importance among 67 genotypes of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) from three horticultural groups (inodorous, cantaloupensis and momordica). The experimental results revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all 24 traits under study. On the basis of yield and yield related attributes, 7 genotypes viz., DM-162, DM-159, DM-143, DM-145, DM-31, and DM- 56 were identified as superior ones. The correlation efficients (phenotypic and genotypic) among different quantitative traits along with fruit yield per plant exhibited highly significant and positive association with average fruit weight (0.92), fruit length (0.63), fruit width (0.58), flesh thickness (0.57) and cavity length (0.56).Total soluble solids showed highly significant and positive association with days to first male flower opening (0.37), days to first fruit harvest (0.36), total crop duration (0.36), days from pollination to harvest (0.35), days to first pistillate flower opening (0.29), vine length (0.27), flesh thickness (0.19) and negative association with node to first male flower (-0.36), cavity width (-0.33). Path coefficient analysis at genotypic level revealed that total soluble solids had a direct effect (0.003) and indirect effects via total crop duration (0.582), average fruit weight (0.143) and negative indirect effects via days to first fruit harvest (-0.529), cavity length (-.381), and days to first male flower (-0.120).

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