Effect of date of sowing and nutrient manipulations onyield and quality of summer cluster bean
Biocompost; FYM; Integrated Nutrient Management; Non-monetary practice; sowing timeAbstract
The response of vegetable cluster bean (Cyamopsistetragonoloba L.) was studied with different sowing time under varying nutrient management in summer season. Crop sown on 25th February or 10th March 2010 performed equally good and showed superiority over early sowing on 25th January and 10th February 2010. Maximum yield andnet realization (Rs. 57083 per hectare) with BCR of 3.91 were obtained from 25th February sown crop.Crop receiving either FYM @ 10 t ha-1 or biocompost @ 5 t ha-1 along with 75% RDF increased green pod yield by 12.41 and 4.54 per cent and stalk yield by 11.91 and 4.56 per cent, respectively over RDF @ 100 %. A remarkable improvement in N and P status in soil was also observed undertreatments having inclusion of organics. Crop fertilized with 75% RDF + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 registered maximum net realization of Rs. 52098 ha-1 with BCR 3.01, which was closely followed by Rs. 49070 ha-1 with BCR 3.18 under 75% RDF + biocompost @ 5 t ha-1.

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