True seed production of garlic (Allium Sativum L.) in sub-tropical plains of India
Garlic, Bulbils, Fertility, Flowering, Pollen viability, SeedAbstract
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) genotypes differ considerably in flowering characteristics, pollen viability and seed production ability. In all the ten genotypes studied, removal of developing bulbils resulted in seed production. The maximum seed production was observed in the genotypes 5366 and 5381 which produced more than twenty seeds per umbel. The success of more than 196 total seeds from 20 umbels of all the ten genotypes after bulbils removal confirms that garlic seed setting percentage is highly genotype specific and bulbils removal as critical for seed production success. All the genotypes had yellowish green flowers with light purple tinge. The small size bulbils were usually purple cream or cream purple but with maturity its upper tips become brown. All the genotypes had pollen viability within range of 0-10.5% but on seeding no seed was germinated. Due to short days conditions in Punjab, garlic plants do not have sufficient day length for viable true seed production but if in long day conditions the methodology used in the study is followed, then the chances of viable true seed production of garlic is very high. The production of garlic seed by bulbils removal is labour intensive and consequently would not be practical for commercial large scale seed production but would be used in breeding programme as it generates genetic variation which can be exploited for improvements of yield, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and quality.

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