Combining ability and gene action studies in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)
Cowpea, GCA, hybrids, parents, SCAAbstract
The combining ability of the parents as well as the hybrids of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) involving three lines and five testers was studied. The parents and their resultant 15 hybrids were evaluated in line x tester mating design and observations were recorded for six quantitative traits. Among the parents, female parent C-152 and male parent Wali 4 were good general combiner for yield components. The crosses GC-3 X Wali 4 and C-152 X VCM-8 exhibited higher specific combining ability effects for yield components. The variances due to specific combining ability were higher in magnitude than general combining ability for majority of the characters which indicated predominance of non-additive gene action for these characters

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