Effect of row spacing and fertilizer on growth and yield attributes of Okra
Row spacing, Fertilizer, Okra, YieldAbstract
Study was conducted to determine the influence of within row spacing and fertilizer application on yield attributes of okra Var.Nirmal-20. It was revealed that plant height increased linearly with the increase in spacing, days to flowering was extended with high and low plant density. Fruit number per plant (FNP), Fruit length (FL), Fruit girth (FG) and fresh fruit weight (FFW) were also increased gradually with increase in with in row spacing and fertilizer application. Depending on spacing, LAI regressed linearly or cubically on DAP. Light intensity also increased gradually with in row spacing. Fruit yield per plot and per hectare was more with 20 cm spacing and 60:40:40 kg NPK treatment than others. Correlation studies revealed that relationship among many of the growth and yield attributing parameters showed positive and significant effect on fruit yield

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