Influence of varieties and spacing on yield and economics during off-season cucumber production under protected condition in North Indian plains
Cucumber, Offseason, Protected cultivation, Yield, SpacingAbstract
The trials were conducted under polyhouse condition at Precision Farming Development Center, Division of Agricultural Engineering, IARI, New Delhi, during offseason (October -March) 2001 - 2004 (three season). The soil was sandy loam and having pH 8.0. Crop was transplanted 20 days age group seedling during last week of September in all season. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design with three replication and 20 treatments combination. The Fertilizers was applied in the farm of FYM @ 200q/ha and NPK @ 75, 60, 60 kg/ha, respectively. The four cucumber cultivar i.e. Priya, Poinsett, Indum-9531, Pusa Sonyog-F1 (IARI) and five spacing viz, 20cm x 20cm, 40cm x 40cm, 50cm x 50cm, and 60cm x 60cm were used for conducting experiment. The performance of three season’s pooled data of cucumber cultivar under different spacing were statistically analyzed. The result revealed that the Priya cultivar showed significantly higher yield 15.40kg/m2, fresh weight of fruit per plant 3.05kg, individual weight of fruit 339.60g, fruit length 27.24cm, diameter 7.50cm, number of fruits per plant 9, the net return Rs. 118.42/ m2 and C:B ratio1:2.78 than Poinsett, Pusa Sonyog and Indum-9531 in all season. The variety Priya showed enhanced cucumber yield 20.78%, 93.71% and 126.47% higher than Poinsett, Pusa Sonyog and Indum- 9531 varieties. The variety Priya exhibited maximum plant height, number of main branch, bio-mass, number of female flower, early fruit setting, maximum number of fruit picking and harvesting period, which is minimized, disease incidence and un marketable fruits among the all verities. The 30cm x 30cm spacing showed significantly higher fruit yield (24.21kg/ m2), net income Rs.217.50/ m2 and B: C ratio 1:3.94 followed by all other spacing. However, wider spacing 50cm x 50cm produce maximum number of fruits per plant (10), individual fruit length (28.56cm), weight (323.40g) anddiameter (6.60cm) were recorded respectively. The weight of fruits per plant was also higher (3.25kg) as compare to all closer spacing in all season. The 30cm spacing was produce cucumber yield 101.75%, 82.58%, 89.14% and 149.84% higher form 20,40,50and 60cm spacing. The finding of the experiment concluded that we can obtaine higher yield and net return during off-season fresh cucumber under polyhouses conditions by Priya variety at optimal spacing of 30cm x 30cm.

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