Bio-management of root-knot disease of Chili (Capsicum annum) caused by Meloidogyne incognita
Biocontrol, chili, neem, Pochonia chlamydosporia and Trichoderma virideAbstract
A field survey was conducted during 2008-09 to observe nematode infestation at IIVR research Farm and found that brinjal crop was heavily infested with root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (5 J2/g soil). Keeping this fact in view a trial under field condition was laid out the for the management of root-knot disease of chili caused by M. incognita with integration of summer ploughing, biological control agents (Pochonia chlamydosporia and Trichoderma viride) and organic amendment (Neem cake). Three summers (May to June) ploughing at the interval of two weeks caused 48% reduction in M. incognita population density and dropped the initial inoculums level to 2.4 J2/g soil. The best protection of root-knot disease of chili was achieved through combined use of neem cake, P. chlamydosporia and T. viride that gave statistically significant ( p<0.05) increase in plant growth, Biomass, and fruit yield (69%, 61% and 80% respectively) compared to control. A significant reduction (at p<0.05) in M. incognita multiplication and development in terms of root galling, egg masses and soil population (58%, 46 and 85% respectively) was also achieved in the treatment where all the three components were applied compared to control. Both the fungal biocontrol agents were successfully established in the rhizosphere of chili plants up to the termination of experiment. It can be concluded that application of summer ploughing followed by combined application of fungal biocontrol agents + neem cake increased not only plant health and yield but also reduced nematode multiplication and development on chili cv. Pusa Sadabahar.

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