Evaluation of bio-control agents and new fungicides to control Pythium damping off in nursery of solanaceous vegetable crops


  • AN Tripathi ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi–221305, UP Author
  • Rajesh Kumar Singh KVK, CoA, Rewa-486001 (JNKVV Jabalpur), MP Author
  • SK Tiwari ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi–221305, UP Author




Biocontrol agents; Seed treatment; Fungicide; Solanaceous vegeables, Phytopathogens, Soil borne diseases


Nursery of solanaceous vegetable crops severely infected
by damping - off. Commercial cultivation of solanaceous
vegetables are depends on healthy and disease free seedlings
under nursery condition in fields. Seed treatments are most
cost effective and commonly used delivery system for bioagents
and fungicides. Nine modules comprises three talc
based fungal [Trichoderma viride- 1 (IIVR–BATF-39-1), T.
viride-2 (IIVR-BATF-43-1), Trichoderma harzianum -
Kalyanpur)], two bacterial (Bacillus subtilis (IIVR-BS2,
Pseudomonas fluorescens -Kalyanpur) formulations and
four fungicides (carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP,
pencycuron 250 SC, fosetyl-Al 80% WP, fenamidone 10% +
mancozeb 50% (WP) were evaluated under nursery of
tomato, brinjal and chilli in kharif season during 2016-2018.
Among tested bio-formulations of bio-agents Bacillus
subtilis (IIVR-BS2 ) was found effective for highest
germination percentage in tomato (84.77) and brinjal (66.81)
and lowest incidence of damping off 15.22% and 33.18%,
repectively whereas cost benefit ratio (CBR) 1: 79.98 (tomato
var. Kashi Aman) and 1: 36.69 (brinjal var Kashi Taru) were
recorded. However, among all tested modules, a fungicide
carbendazim 12% WP + mancozeb 63% WP was found
most effective in chilli for highest germination percentage
(86.58), vigour index (479.52) and lowest incidence of
damping off (13.30) with cost benefit ratio (CBR) 1: 90.79.
Hence, use of bio-agent Bacillus subtilis (IIVR-BS2)
3.92×1011 cfu/g in tomato and brinjal; however, combiproduct
of carbendazim (12%) and mancozeb (63%) in chilli
may berecommended for management of damping off in nursery.



How to Cite

Tripathi, A., Singh, R. K., & Tiwari, S. (2022). Evaluation of bio-control agents and new fungicides to control Pythium damping off in nursery of solanaceous vegetable crops. Vegetable Science, 49(01), 91-95. https://doi.org/10.61180/vegsci.2022.v49.i1.14

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