Combining ability for yield and other quantitative traits in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Combining ability, eggplant, diallel, GCA, SCAAbstract
Combining ability for yield and its components were analyzed in a diallel crosses, involving 7 genotypes of eggplant. The GCA and SCA were significant for all characters, indicating the importance of both additive and non-additive genetic components. The genotypes, R- 1proved as best general combiner for days to 50 % flowering and earliness, P-3 for plant height (tall stature), C-2 proved as best general combiner for average fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruits size and yield per plant, whereas I-9 for proved good general combiners fruit length. Among the crosses, C-2 x P-3, P-1 x P-2,P-2 x I-9and P-3 x R-1 were good specific combiners for yield per plant.

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