Onion (Allium cepa L.): Breeding for quality traits and export
Among Allium crops, onion and garlic are exclusively grown
and consumed in the form of fresh as well as processed
products. In India, onion and garlic are integral part of daily
diet in every household, grown under three crop seasons
i.e. kharif, late kharif and rabi. The Rabi crop occupies more
than 50% of production. India is the 2nd largest producer of
onion and garlic after China. Development of varieties
having attractive bulbs with uniform in size, shape, colour
and uniform maturity, high dry matter and long storage life.
As well as additional desirable features like intact and
attractive skins, thick leaf scales as uniform rings, single
centred bulb, thin neck, and resistant to premature bolting,
diseases and pests. Each of these characteristics is
genetically inherited but can be modified by environmental
and cultural practices. However, several organizations
worked/released many varieties and hybrids as well as
production technologies, which increases area, production,
productivity and export of onion.v

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