Identification of purple blotch and thrips resistant lines of onion (Allium cepa L.)
Onion is susceptible to foliar diseases that reduce bulb
yield and quality (Cramer 2000), among foliar diseases
purple blotch disease caused by Alternaria porri (Ellis).
Cif. major threat for onion production, purple blotch
infected leaves are reddish brown septate non-sporulating
mycelium (Datar 1994), air borne spores of A. porri
were responsible for increased disease incidence of onion
cultivar Creamish-golden coloured leaves with required
leaf wetness duration at 5 °C for 16 h and 8 h at 10-25
°C. The numbers of lesions are increased with increase
of leaf wetness duration and temperature reported by
Suheri and Price (2001). It was first reported by Ajrekar
(1921) from Bombay state of India, and it is a major
onion disease across the world (Chaput 1995

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