Effect of drip irrigation scheduling on yield attributes and water productivity of bitter gourd-cabbage-cowpea cropping sequences
Drip irrigation, Reference evapotranspiration, Bitter gourd, Cabbage, Cowpea, Yield, WUE.Abstract
Enhanced water and nutrient use efficiency, crop yield with
superior quality can be achieved by adopting drip irrigation
and fertigation system in vegetables. Drip irrigation study
was carried out in bitter gourd, cabbage and cowpea crop
sequences respectively during Kharif, Rabi and Zaid
seasons. Treatment comprised of four drip irrigation
scheduling i.e., drip irrigation at 100% ET or 75% ET with
irrigation scheduling daily or alternate day. Conventional
furrow irrigation was also kept as control. In bitter gourd,
maximum fruit yield of 143.00 q/ha was recorded with drip
irrigation scheduling daily at 100% ET, whereas maximum
WUE (4.657 q/ha/cm) was recorded in drip irrigation
schedule at alternate day with 75% ET. Similarly, in cabbage,
drip irrigation scheduling daily or alternate day with 100%
ET registered 36.18% and 34.78% higher head yield,
respectively over surface irrigation. In summer season, most
of the growth and yield parameters in cowpea were
significantly enhanced with drip irrigation at 100% ET.
However, most of the yield parameters recorded under 100%
ET daily or 100% ET with alternate day were noticed at par.
These two treatments have registered 22.8% and 18.4%
higher yield over conventional irrigation. In cowpea, WUE
under drip irrigation system were 1.54 to 1.69 times higher
than the surface irrigation. It was concluded from present
study that drip irrigation at 100% ET daily or alternate day
significantly enhanced the productivity of bitter gourd,
cabbage and cowpea, however maximum WUE were reported
with 75% ET.

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