Effect of drip irrigation and fertigation on growth and yield of garden pea
Drip irrigation, Fertigation, Garden pea and Water use efficiencyAbstract
A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 and 2015-
16 on loamy sand soil to study the effect of drip irrigation
and fertigation as compared to surface (check basin)
irrigation on the pod yield, water use efficiency of garden
pea (Pisum sativum var. Punjab 89). The treatments
comprised of three levels of drip irrigation in combination
with three levels of fertigation and surface irrigation (check
basin) was considered as control treatment. The I2F2 (drip
irrigation at 80% ET crop along with 80% application of
recommended dose of fertilizer produced (183.4 q/ha) green
pod yield which was 34.2 percent higher as compared to
check basin method of irrigation (136.7 q/ha). Drip irrigation
resulted in 42.8 % saving of irrigation water as compared to
check basin method of irrigation.

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