Factors influencing consumers behaviour for vegetable purchase
Consumers, Behaviour, Vegetable purchaseAbstract
This paper analyses the factors affecting consumer purchase behaviour for major vegetables. The research is based on the data collected from vegetable consumers of NCR of Delhi. The data were collected by personal interviews of 120 respondents. To analyse
the data, ANOVA, Chi-Square and Exact Chi-Square tests were used. The results showed that the proportion of income spent on vegetables decreases as level of income increases. The proportion of consumers preferring to purchase off-seasonal, processed, pesticide free and organically produced vegetable was high in HIG. Majority of low and MIG consumers purchase vegetables from
local market or vendors whereas HIG consumers purchase at super markets. Monthly income of family, credit facility/credit card facility, price, education, condition of store, appearance of produce, organic produce, service facility offered by shop and type of market were the factors that significantly affect purchase behaviour of vegetable consumers.

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