Genetic variability studies in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under ecofriendly management
Tomato, Variability, Heritability, Correlation, Path analysis and Eco-friendlyAbstract
Twenty genotypes of tomato were evaluated for yield, quality and other traits under eco-friendly management. Analysis of variance revealed that highly significant differences among genotypes for all the traits. High magnitude of phenotypic coefficients of variation and genotypic coefficients of variation were observed for traits including fruit yield per plant, plant height and number of fruits per plant. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance estimates were observed for number of fruits perplant, plant height and fruit yield per plant. Fruit yield/planthad positive and highly significant correlation with number of fruits/ plant, fruit weight, fruit shape index and number of primary branches/plant indicating these traits are important yield components. Whereas, negative and
significant association with days to 50% flowering, leaf curl and fruit borer incidence, ascorbic acid content and thickness. Maximum positive and direct effect towards fruit yield/plant was exerted by average fruit weight, number of fruits per plant, leaf curl incidence and plant height. Few genotypes with high yield and other useful traits were identified for future under eco-friendly management.

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