Integrated use of FYM and inorganic sources of nutrients in potato-radish crop sequence
Field experiments were conducted during 2005-06 and 2006-2007 at Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla on brown mid hill soils to investigate the role of FYM on phosphorus and potassium economy in potato-radish crop sequence under rainfed conditions. Eight manurial treatments consisted of different combinations of FYM and inorganic sources of phosphorus and potassium to potato crop whereas, succeeding radish crop received only N. The application of recommended dose of N along with 50% PK from inorganic fertilizers and rest from FYM (on K basis) in potato resulted in the highest concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in leaves which consequently enhanced yields of potato (319 q/ha). This treatment also gave highest yield of following crop radish (192.9 q/ha). Therefore, for the higher productivity and better return of the potato-radish system, 25 to 50% of the recommended dose of P and K fertilizers can be replaced with FYM in the mid hills soils of Himachal Pradesh.

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