Variability, character association and path analysis in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Garden pea, genotypes, PCV, GCV, heritability, correlation, path coefficientAbstract
The experimental material comprising of 41 genotypes was
evaluated in randomized complete block design with three
replications. Genotype DPPM-74 was the most promising
with significantly highest number of pods per plant, total
biomass, seed yield and protein content. The differences in
performance of genotypes for seed yield per plant might be
attributed to pods per plant, seeds per pod and 100-seed
weight. Significant genetic variations were observed for
seed yield and related traits. High PCV and moderate GCV
were recorded for seed yield per plant. Moderate estimates
of PCV and GCV were recorded for number of branches,
internodal length, plant height, pod length, seeds per pod,
harvest index, 100-seed weight, protein content, starch, pods
per plant, total biomass and ascorbic acid. High heritability
coupled with high genetic advance was observed for pods
per plant, total biomass, seed yield per plant and harvest
index. Seed yield per plant had positive association with
internodal length, plant height, pod length, seeds per pod,
pods per plant, total biomass, harvest index and 100-seed
weight at phenotypic and genotypic levels. Total biomass
and harvest index had maximum positive direct effects on
seed yield/plant. Based on variability studies, it can be
concluded that pods per plant, pod length, seeds/pod, total
biomass and harvest index should be given due focus for
the improvement of garden pea.

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