Occurrence of “fish mouth” seeds in hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) and its effect on the seed quality
Hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) sometimes contains seeds with split coats. These expanded seeds are often referred to as “fish mouth” seeds, because the split seed coat resembles an open fish’s mouth when viewed longitudinally. “Fish mouth” seeds are live seeds and are normal as good seeds. The cause of occurrence of these seeds is varietal character and usually such varieties or inbred lines are classified as difficult to produce (DTP). Also there are some reports suggest that the occurrence of such seeds related to ageing of seed or delayed harvesting or decaying (Welbaum 1992). This seed shape is classified as circular with fish mouth and have archaeological significance (Dillehay et al., 2012). The “fish mouth” seeds with commonly found in modern varieties derived from Capsicum chinense L. (Pickersgill, 1969). These seeds with split seed coat pose problem for seed treatment since there is a possibility of injury to embryo inside the seed due to polymers and fungicides at the time of imbibition.

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