Participatory variety evaluation and influencing factors appraisal for offseason cabbage cultivation on rainfed uplands of Odisha
study was conducted at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Semiliguda in Koraput district of Odisha from 2009-12 to evaluate the performance of cabbage variety ‘Konark’ during off-season in farmers’ field. Front line demonstrations (FLD) were conducted with scientific package of improved cabbage cultivation under rainfed conditions and factors influencing its adoption were analyzed. Head yield of cabbage was higher (59%) under demonstrations as compared to farmers’ practice (FP), which was 80-82% of variety’s potential yield as the technology was practiced in off-season. Extension gap oscillating 101-118 qha-1 in yield was perceived between FLD and FP whereas average technology gap was 57 qha-1. Economic analysis reveals that with marginal increase (Rs. 1700 ha-1) in cost of cultivation 92% increased net returns to the tune of Rs. 1,25,585 ha-1 (average) were obtained. Mean extension gap (109 qha-1) and IBCR (38) are sufficiently high to motivate the farmers for adoption of off-season cabbage cultivation. Correlation and regression analysis of various independent variables showed that young trained cultivators are high adopters of off-season cabbage cultivation.

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