Genetic divergence analysis in dolichos bean (Dolichos lablab L.) for chhattisgarh plains
Dolichos bean or Hyacinth bean or Egyptian bean or Sem (Dolichos lablab L.) is an important vegetable crop throughout India and especially in Chhattisgarh due to its local acceptability by the people. It is grown on almost all types of soil of average fertility as in case of other beans Eastearn M.P. (Now Chhattisgarh State) has wide genetic variability for various traits like plant habit, branching habit, stem pigmentation, leaf veination, flower colour, pod colour, pod characters, viz., shape, size, weight and seeds per pod etc. Hitherto, very little attention is given by the workers on systematic crop improvement work of Dolichos bean. But the genetic variability in Chhattisgarh provides a better opportunity for crop improvement work. Considering these points a study was undertaken to know the genetic divergence in doliches bean grown in Raipur of Chhattisgarh.

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