Evaluation of IDM modules for tomato leaf curl disease management in Madhya Pradesh
Tomato, Leaf curl, Integrated Disease Management, On Farm Trial (OFT)Abstract
Comparative suitability assessment field trials of four
different IDM modules for the management of leaf curl
disease of tomato were conducted at farmer’s field. The trial
cites were located in Chorgarhi, Mankesher and Upani village
of district Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh. The trials were conducted
during 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 as On Farm Trial. Trend
of results obtained during past three years of experimentation
indicated that all the management modules tested were found
superior over predominant farmer’s practice (M1). The
module M4 having tolerant variety, seed treatment with
insecticide, nursery raising in nylon net cages of 40 mesh,
root dip of seedling with systemic insecticide Imidacloprid,
as to enable nursery to be transplanted, remain uninfestable
by white flies and thrips at least up to 2 weeks after
transplanting. Further, initial roughing at 3 weeks after
transplanting and two subsequent sprays of systemic
insecticide before flowering, at 25 and 45 DAT was found
effective not only in reducing disease incidence but
decreased total number of white fly per plant as well. This
package of practice was also able to enhance tomato yield
with favorable cost benefit ratio. Module 4 was followed by
module T3, where most of the measures mentioned in module
4 were followed except use of nylon net. Therefore, it is very
much evident that the seed treatment with insecticide and
seedling dip measures along with physical intervention to
deploy nylon net to prevent assess of vectors to nurseries
inside the cage, hold the great promise to have an almost
leaf curl free crop.

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