Response of okra seed production to bio-fertilizers
Azospirillum, Bio-fertilizers, PSB, Okra, SeedAbstract
An experiment was conducted during rainy season of 2013-
14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Vegetable Research Station,
Kalyanpur of C.S.Azad University of Agriculture &
Technology, Kanpur. The soil of experimental field was sandy
loam with low fertility. There were seven treatments
comprised recommended dose of NPK, Azospirillum +
recommended dose of NPK, Azospirillum + 75% N +
recommended doses of P&K, Azospirillum + 50% N +
recommended doses of P&K, PSB + recommended dose of
NPK, PSB + 75% P + recommended doses of N&K and PSB
+ 50%P + recommended doses of N&K. The treatments were
evaluated i.e. growth, yield contributing characters and seed
yield of okra. The okra variety Azad Bhindi-1 was sown
with recommended agronomical practices. The highest seed
yield of okra by 15.69 q/ha was reaped from Azospirillum +
recommended dose of NPK, followed by PSB +
recommended dose of NPK (14.57 q/ha). The growth and
yield contributing characters were concordant to the seed

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