Effect of carnauba wax coating on the quality and shelf life of carrot (Daucus carota L.)
Carrot, carnauba wax, storage, texture, PLWAbstract
Carrot is one of the most important vegetables grown in
India, used as a fresh vegetable all the year for salad
purposes as well as for extraction of juice, canning and as
supplement for infant baby food. It is an economically
important vegetable worldwide and is the richest source of
carotenoids in the human diet. The purpose of applying
carnauba wax to carrots includes delayed reduction in colour,
flavour, moisture and firmness thus maintaining freshness
in carrots for longer period. The carnauba wax diluted to
5.3% wax level exhibited maximum flavour and body and
texture sensory score after 20-25 days of storage at room
temperature and 50 days at refrigerated storage, respectively.
The carnauba wax diluted to 4.8% wax level exhibited
maximum red colour (a-value) response at room temperature
and at low temperature but there is very little difference
between red colour (a-value) of 4.8% and 2.3% wax level.
The hardness value in terms of force (gm) in carnauba wax
treated carrots increased during storage at room temperature
(26-32oC) and at low temperature (100C). The carnauba wax
diluted to 5.3% wax level exhibited minimum (3.24%) and
maximum PLW (3.82%) after 50 days of refrigerated and 35
days of room temperature storage, respectively.

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