Bioefficacy and phytotoxicity study of Fosetyl Al 80 WP on tomato seedlings against the damping off disease
Bioefficacy, phytotoxicity, Fosetyl Al 80, damping off diseaseAbstract
Damping-off is a widely distributed and devastating disease causing severe seedling damage to nursery grown vegetable crops. The present study was undertaken to evaluate different doses of fosetyl-Al 80 WP against damping-off disease of tomato under field conditions in two consecutive seasons i.e., 2014-15 and 2015-16. The pooled data indicated that fosetyl-Al 80 WP @ 3g/l provided the best disease control (85.37%) amongst all the treatments against untreated control. In addition, it has increased the dry root mass and plant height by 39.1 and 64.86%, respectively above the untreated control. Application of fosetyl-Al 80 WP was not phytotoxic on tomato seedlings up to the dose of 12g/l.

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