Management of leek diseases in Kashmir valley
Leek is grown commercially in limited areas in the Kashmir valley. Interest in commercial leek production in Kashmir has increased in recent years because of increased markets. Purple Leaf Blotch caused by Alternaria porri is an important disease of Allium spp. worldwide, especially in warm and humid environments, causing up to 60% damage on garlic in India (Bisht and Agrawal 1993) and 59% losses in onion bulb yield. Early symptoms appear on the older leaves as white flecks and under suitable environmental conditions the white flecks expand and produce sunken purple lesions that are often elliptical with a yellow to pale-brown border. The symptoms of Purple Leaf Blotch are frequently indistinguishable from those of stemphylium leaf blight caused by Stemphylium vesicarium; stemphylium leaf blight is characterized by elongated spindle-like lesions on leaves, initially small and white, which later become sunken with a purple colour surrounded by a whitish margin. It was first recorded on garlic in India (Rao and Pavgi 1975). It has been reported on garlic in the South Africa (Aveling 1993), and Brazil (Boiteux et al. 1994)

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