Genetic variability and heritability studies in pole type Indian bean (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet)
Indian bean (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet) 2n=24 is an important legume Vegetable, cultivated throughout tropics and subtropics mostly for human consumption and animal forage (Rai et al., 2011). Indo-china region being a centre of diversity is endowed with great variability in terms of morphological characters especially growth habit, maturity including shape, size, colour of fruit and seed (Rai. et al., 2011). Therefore, knowledge of the available variability within the species for the desired characters enables the breeder in determining the most potential genotype. Burton (1952) also suggested that genetic variability along with heritability should be considered for assessing the maximum and accurate effect of selection. Studies on the genetic variability using genetic parameters like genetic coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance is essential for initiating an efficient breeding programme. Accordingly, the present investigation was undertaken to investigate the extent of genetic variability for green pod yield contributing characters in pole type Indian bean.

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