Gene action for yield components and fruit quality characters of tomato genotypes possessing mutant genes through generation mean analysis
Generation mean, Gene action, yield components, fruit quality, TomatoAbstract
Nature of gene action for fruit yield and quality characters
of tomato was determined analyzing the mean and variances
of the six genetic populations (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2) of
three cross combinations involving parental lines
possessing mutant genes viz., Alisa Craig AftAftx Alisa Craig
hp-1 hp-1, Alisa Craig Aft Aftx Alisa Craig ogcogc and Alisa
Craig AftAftx BCT 115 dg dg. In most of the characters in
three cross combinations, simple additive / dominance model
was inadequate to explain the gene action which indicated
the involvement of epistasis in the control of the character
concerned. The characters were under the control of both
fixable and non-fixable gene effects, but non-fixable gene
effects were predominant. Duplicate type epistasis for most
of the characters would hinder the pace of progress through
selection. Postponement of selection in later generations
and development of hybrids were the best breeding strategy
because non-fixable gene effects were predominant for most
of the characters.

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