Influence of microorganisms inoculation on nutrient economy in Potatoradish crop sequence in North Western Himalayas
Field experiments were conducted during 2007 and 2008 at Central Potato Research Institute on brown\ hill soils of Shimla to investigate the role of microorganism inoculation in fertilizer economy in potatoradish crop sequence. Different doses of inorganic
fertilizers along with FYM and microorganisms inoculation showed significant effect on growth attributes, yield and nutrient uptake of potato as well asm yield and nutrients uptake by radish. Application of FYM @ 5 t/ha along with microorganisms inoculation helped in early emergence. Combined application of 50% recommended dose of NPK through fertilizers along with tuber inoculation with microorganisms and 5 t/ha FYM proved to be more effective in terms of growth attributes, tuber yield, nutrients uptake and recoveries. Radish yield also showed similar trend with respect to different treatments and highest value was recorded under 50% recommended dose of NPK through fertilizers along with tuber inoculation with microorganisms and 5 t/ha FYM. This treatment was statistically at par with recommended doses of NPK. Therefore, use of microbial inoculants along with FYM can save half of fertilizer NPK in the north western hill region.

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