Genetic study for some pod characters in vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
Vigna unguiculata, cowpea, heterosis, combining abilityAbstract
Pod characters like pod length, pod weight, number of pods per cluster and number of pods per plant are very important yield component which determines the marketable green pod yield in vegetable cowpea. Line x Tester (6x4) analysis of in cowpea exhibited significant differences among parents and their crosses for all these characters. ICP-38 x Arka Garima, ICP-45 x Pusa Komal and ICP-42 x Indira Hari exhibited maximum positive magnitude for relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis respectively for pod length. Crosses ICP-42 x Arka Garima and ICP-54 x Indira Hari showed maximum positive magnitude for relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis for pod weight and number of pods per plant, respectively. Additive genetic variance was predominant for pod length and pod weight whereas, non-additive gene action for number of pods per cluster and number of pods per plant. ICP-42, ICP-45, Pusa Komal, Arka Garima and Indira Hari were good general combiners for pod length and pod weight. ICP-42, Arka Garima and Khalleshwari were good general mcombiners for number of pods per cluster whereas, ICP-38 and ICP-54 for number of pods per plant. The crosses ICP- 42 x Indira Hari, ICP-26 x Khalleshwari, ICP-42 x Indira Hari and ICP-42 x Arka Garima were identified as best specific combiners for yield contributing characters.

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