Heterosis in watermelon for yield and quality traits [Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai]
Water melon, heterosis, combining ability, TSS and lycopeneAbstract
Ten lines and four testers were crossed in line x tester
fashion during 2018 and evaluated in 2019 to assess the
heterotic potential of 40 hybrids of watermelon hybrid for
various morphological and quality traits. Significant mean
squares due to lines, testers, hybrids, line x tester and parents
x hybrids were observed for most of the traits. The results
indicated that significant negative heterosis for earliness
was shown by EC829875 x Sugar Baby. Similarly, heterosis
for number of fruits, total yield, lycopene and TSS were
seen in WM-53 x Sugar Baby, EC 829875 x Arka Manik,
WM-14 x EC-829827 and EC 829823 x Sugar baby respectively.
The present investigation revealed that hybrids WM-14 x
EC-829852, EC829870 x EC829827, KFF-1-1-2 x Arka Manik,
and WM-14 x Sugar Baby had good heterotic potential for
TSS, less seed number and total yield which can be exploited
for their commercial values.

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