Effect of different mode of pollination on fruit and seed characteristics of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Cucumber, Gynoecious, Monoecious, Pollination and SeedAbstract
Effect of different mode of pollination viz., open pollination
and self pollination on fruit and seed setting as well as their
characteristics in monoecious (K-75 and UHF-CUC-101) and
gynoecious (GYNO-1 and GYNO-2) varieties was studied at
the Experimental Research Farm, Department of Vegetable
Science, Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and
Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP) during Kharif, 2016. Open
pollination had better effect on all the parameters (Mean
fruit set, mean fruit weight, number of seeds per fruit and
thousand seed weight) studied compared to self pollination
method. Maximum fruit weight of 278.02g was recorded in
open pollination system than in selfing (263.54g) and it was
recorded maximum in cultivar UHF-CUC-101 (289.28g) and
minimum in GYNO-2 (259.89g). Similarly, number of seeds
per fruit was more in open pollination system (190.05 seeds/
fruit) than in selfing (160.72 seeds/fruit) and among cultivars,
it was found maximum in K-75 (256.30) and minimum in
GYNO-1 (99.81). Likewise, thousand seed weight was
recorded higher in open pollination system (20.12g) than in
selfing (18.32g) and amid cultivars maximum in K-75 (22.65g)
whereas minimum in GYNO-2 (18.26g). Interactions (Varieties
× Conditions) had a significant effect on percent fruit set as
well as number of seeds per fruit and non-significant effect
on mean fruit weight and thousand seed weight.

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