Molecular screening of Indian garlic genotypes (Allium sativum L.) for bolting using DNA based Bltm markers
Garlic, Allium sativum, molecular marker, screening, bolting.Abstract
In the present study, we screened 32 Indian garlic (Allium
sativum) germplasm to identify bolting genotype using three
mitochondrial DNA based molecular markers, P1, P2, and
P3. In two different combinations P1+P2 and P1+P3. 1.4 kb
amplicon was obtained with P1+P2 bolt marker in all the 32
screened accessions which showed the inherent ability of
bolt with accessions and further needs to impose to intense
winter. Further, the consistency of result was confirmed with
P1+P3 mitochondrial DNA based marker which produces
the amplicon of 3.7kb size, on the basis of nonsynchronization
in molecular profiling, the whole population
has been classified in two groups, i.e. bolting and not bolting
based on presence or absence of both or one of them. Group-
1 includes 22 (656, 662, 663, 664, 665, 667, 668, 669, 675, GG-
1, GG-2, G-41, G-355, AC-50, AC-183, AC-316, SG-1, CG-1,
Phule Baswant, Bhima Purple, Bhima Omkar, and AKG-2)
accessions having the amplicons of both P1+P2 and P1+P3
markers 1.4 and 3.7 kb respectively which indicates chimeric
gene arrangement. Group-2 consists of 10 accessions
showing 1.4 kb amplicon with P1+P2 marker, including
bolting genotypes (one complete, G-5 and nine, G-3, 654,
671, Ranibennur Local, Gadag Local, GG-4, G-282, AC-378,
Godavari) hence it can be concluded that Indian garlic
genotypes do not need chimeric gene arrangement for
bolting. This is the first step towards the identification of
short day bolted garlic in India.

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