Impact of hydropriming treatments on seed invigoration in vegetable pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Hydropriming, pea and seed invigorationAbstract
Various pre-sowing treatments are reported to improve seed invigoration in vegetable crops. An investigation was carried out to standardize the hydropriming techniques for vigour enhancement in vegetable pea (variety AP-3) seeds by optimizing the duration and volume of water to be used. Highest germination percentage (98), speed of germination (23.9), vigour index-I (3450) and vigour index-II (8.8) were observed when the seeds were soaked in double the volume of water for 2hrs. Increase in germination and vigour in this treatment was due to the highest initial germination, maximum dry matter production and minimum number days required for 50% germination. Hydropriming for 8,16 and 32h (prolonged soaking) resulted in lower values in almost all the parameters and it can be considered as an over priming. These studies proved the importance of duration of soaking and volume of water in pea seed invigoration.

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