Genetic diversity in parthenocarpic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) for yield and quality traits under protected cultivation
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is one of the most
important cucurbitaceous vegetable crops grown
extensively in tropical and subtropical parts of the
country. Cucumber is thermophilic and required optimum
temperature range between 18 0C and 24 °C. It is grown
for its tender fruits, which are consumed either raw as
salad, cooked as vegetable or as pickling cucumber in
its immature stage. It is a rich source of carbohydrates,
Ca, P and vitamin C. The appreciable yield deficit between
potential and realized crop yield indicated an urgent need
to develop superior hybrids having desirable yield and
quality attributes. Diverse parents are expected to
produce high yielding hybrids through manifestation of
heterosis, increase the probability to obtain transgressive
segregants in F2 and in subsequent generations.

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