Effect of fertigation with water soluble fertilizers on yield, nutrients uptake and quality characters of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Tomato is one of the widely grown vegetable and most important food crop in India. It is rich in minerals, essential amino acids, sugars and dietary fibres. It also contains much vitamin B and C, iron, lycopene and phosphorus (Bagal et al. 1989). It is well responsive to fertilizer application and reported to be heavy feeders of NPK. Adequate supply of nutrient can increase the yield, fruit quality, fruit size, keeping quality, colour and taste of tomato (Shukla and Naik 1993, Singh et al. 2010). Intensively cultivated vegetable soils of farmers’ fields in Varanasi district of eastern Uttar Pradesh showed widespread nutrient deficiencies (N, P, K and S)

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