Genetic variability and correlation coefficient for horticultural traits in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)
Bottle gourd belong to family Cucurbitaceae, which
primarily comprised species consumed as food
worldwide. Bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.)
Standl.] is important cucurbitaceous vegetable crop
having chromosome number 2n=2x=22. is cultivated,
both as rainy and summer season vegetable. The tender
fruits of bottle gourd can be used as a culinary vegetable,
Kofta or for making sweets viz. Halva, Kheer, Petha,
Burfi and pickles. A decoction made from the leaf is a
very good medicine for jaundice. Bottle gourd production
is 2.68 MT from an area of 0.157 m/ha with 17.08 metric
tons productivity and total vegetable production 184.39
MT from an area 10.259 MT with 17.97 metric tonnes
productivity during 2017-2018 in India (NHB data 2018).

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