Evaluation of botanical, microbial and chemical insecticide on the fruit damage inflected by fruit borer in tomato
An experiment was carried out under field condition of Dun valley of Uttarakhand to evaluate the bio-efficacy of botanicals, microbial and synthetic insecticides either alone and in combinations on the larval population of H. armigera during rabi seasons of 2006-07 and 2007-08. The results revealed that, Bt (1g/l) + endosulfan (1ml/l) was recorded lowest fruit damage (8.50% and 7.98% in w/w and n/n, respectively) and recorded higher yield (231.03qha-1) followed by, endosulfan 35 EC (2ml/l) was found 8.83% and 8.13% in w/w and n/n ,respectively with mean yield 229.24 qha-1 while, Bacillus thurigiensis var kurstaki (Btk) was recorded 10.37 and 9.10 per cent fruit damage with 224.25 qha-1 mean marketable yield as compared to T8, Control with 31.09 and 31.03 per cent damage w/w and n/n with 196.97 qha-1 mean marketable yield of 2006-07 and 2007-08. All the botanical, microbial with endosulfan either alone or in combinations showed significantly superior over untreated check.

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