Genetic analysis for yield and its contributing traits in tomato under low temperature regime
Genetic analysis, scalling test, tomatoAbstract
The estimates of six parameters (m,d,h,i,j and l) for nine cross combinations were calculated for yield and yield related traits. Interacting and non-interacting crosses were classified by scaling test. The scaling test was found significant for most of the traits in all the crosses. Duplicate epistasis was most commonly observed for all traits in majority of the crosses, whereas for number of branches,
days to first fruit harvest, number of fruit/cluster and yield/ plant all crosses exhibited duplicate epistasis. Complementary epistasis was observed in crosses Pusa Sheetal x Booster and Pusa Sheetal x DT-39 for days to 50% flowering, Pusa Sheetal x Booster for days to first fruit set, Pusa Sheetal x Pusa Uphar , Pusa Sheetal x Chiku and Pusa Sadabahar x Booster for number cluster/plant, Pusa Sheetal x Pusa Sadabahar for number fruits/plant, Pusa Sadabahar x Chiku for shoot length, Pusa Sheetal x Chiku and Pusa Sadabahar x Chiku for plant height.

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